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Woodland Wildflowers Native Seed Packet

Woodland Wildflowers Native Seed Packet

Regular price $39.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $39.95 USD
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A comprehensive mix of native wildflowers make up our Woodland Wildflowers Seed Packet. Designed to grow in areas that receive less than 4 hours of sunlight a day, it offers bloom times throughout the growing season to attract pollinators. The species in this mix typically do well in forested areas, but can be slow to establish. Your patience will be rewarded with beautiful and unique wildflowers.

Some things to remember:

This is a slow establishing seed mix. It may take 3 to 4 growing seasons to fully establish because of lower light levels. You may want to consider using Regreen as a cover crop while your seeds are putting down roots.

Each packet will cover approximately 100 square feet.

Contains the following species:


Actaea rubra - Red Baneberry

Agastache scrophulariifolia - Purple Giant Hyssop

Ageratina altissima - White Snakeroot

Allium canadense - Wild Garlic

Allium tricoccum - Wild Leek

Anemone virginiana - Tall Thimbleweed

Aquilegia canadensis - Wild Red Columbine

Arisaema triphyllum - Jack-in-the-Pulpit

Aster shortii - Short's Aster

Blephilia hirsuta - Hairy Wood Mint

Campanula americana - Tall Bellflower

Caulophyllum thalictroides - Blue Cohosh

Cimicifuga racemosa - Black Cohosh

Claytonia virginica - Spring Beauty

Cryptotaenia canadensis - Honewort

Dasistoma macrophylla - Mullein - foxglove

Desmodium glutinosum - Pointed- leaved Tick Trefoil

Dodecatheon meadia - Midland Shooting Star

Eurybia macrophylla - Big-leaved Aster

Eupatorium purpureum - Sweet Joe Pye

Hydrophyllum virginianum - Virginia Waterleaf

Isopyrum biternatum - False Rue Anemone

Maianthemum racemosum - Solomon's Plume

Osmorhiza claytonii - Sweet Cicely

Persicaria virginiana - Woodland Knotweed

Polygonatum biflorum - Solomon's Seal

Prenanthes alba - Lion's Foot

Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum - Hairy Mountain Mint

Rudbeckia laciniata - Wild Golden Glow

Sanguinaria canadensis - Bloodroot

Smilax lasioneura - Common Carrion Flower

Solidago ulmifolia - Elm-leaved Goldenrod

Taenidia integerrima - Yellow Pimpernel

Thalictrum diocum - Early Meadow Rue

Triosteum perfoliatum - Late Horse Gentain

Uvlaria grandiflora - Bellwort

Seed Info

Detailed planting instructions for planting your seed packet are provided with purchase.

Due to the limited availability of some of the species, please limit 2 per customer.

This mix of wildflowers typically grows to a height of 1-4 feet. Please note that each site is unique and several factors can affect overall height. These factors include sunlight, soil hydrology and overall soil health.

Product Details

Flower Color: Yellow, Red, Purple, Pink, Green

Height: 1 to 4 Feet

Light Requirements: Less than 4 Hours of Sunlight A Day

Soil Hydrology: Dry to Mesic Soils

Bloom Time: Spring through Fall

Attracts: Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Pollinators and People

Suggested USDA Planting Zones: 3-7

Product Code: WWM01

Cover Crops and Seed Carriers

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