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Helenium autumnale - Sneezeweed (Helen's Flower)

Helenium autumnale - Sneezeweed (Helen's Flower)

Regular price $4.00 USD
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Plant with confidence, Sneezeweed will not make you sneeze. It does, however, produce a beautiful yellow bloom that has a distinct round center.

Sneezeweed is also known as Helen's flower, based on the legend that the flowers grew in place of Helen of Troy's tears that touched the ground. It is native to almost all of the states in the U.S. If you're looking for a late summer pop of color that pollinators will love, pair this with a purple flower such as New England Aster or Great Lobelia.

Call it what you want to, Sneezeweed is a cheery, perennial wildflower that likes full sun and mesic to wet soils. Plant it in rain gardens, mulch beds and areas you want to become low maintenance. These flowers are often deer resistant and can be divided if growing too thick. 

How To Plant Sneezeweed Seeds:

Direct sow seeds into prepared soil in late fall once soil temps are below 50 degrees (usually mid to late November). Can also be planted in winter during natural freeze / thaw cycles and early spring. Plant shallow, no deeper than 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep and lightly rake to work seed in. Plant in full sun. Can take 3 growing seasons to fully establish. 

Seed Info

Seed Envelopes contain approximately 0.02 ounces of seed and cover about 5 to 10 square feet.

Product Details

Flower Color: Yellow

Height: 2-4 Feet

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Soil Hydrology: Mesic to Wet Soils

Bloom Time: July through October

Plant Type: Perennial

Stratification: None

Attracts: Bees, Butterflies

Product Code: HEL01F

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