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Clover Lawn Mix

Clover Lawn Mix

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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OPN Seed's Clover Lawn Mix is designed for those homeowners that are not afraid to let it go a little bit. The fescues and clovers mix together to form a landscape for humans and our wildlife friends to enjoy. The average growth of the species is 6-12 inches with some species getting slightly taller depending on site resources. Watch rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks and birds hop and forage in the landscape you created while you're not mowing. Please note this mix can be mowed if desired. So, if you're having a party and want to mow it short, go for it! It will grow right back! This mix is the perfect hybrid lawn for urban, suburban or country landscapes.

Our Clover Lawn Mix can handle moderate to heavy foot traffic and can stand up to some pet urine.

Planting Times and Recommendations:

In the spring when daytime temperatures are getting warmer and nights are still cool. This is typically between April and early June. In the late summer cooler days and nights will help the seeds to establish. This is typically late August through September.

Sow the seed into a prepared seed bed, lightly rake it in, and cover the areas lightly with a clean straw. This mix can be over seeded into an existing lawn as well to enhance it and add these species in. If possible, lightly roll the seeded area with a lawn roller or tractor tires to help get good seed to soil contact. Water the seed in at installation and after that if there is no rain in the forecast. Watering in the early mornings and evenings is best. If needed, watering should continue until the plants reach heights of at least 6 inches.

Contains the following species:

Festuca rubra - Creeping Red Fescue (Introduced)

Festuca rubra commutata - Chewing's Fescue (Introduced) 

Festuca trachyphylla - Hard Fescue (Introduced)

Trifolium repens - Dutch White Clover (Introduced)

Fescue ovina - Fescue (Introduced)

Trifolium hybridum - Alsike Clover (Introduced)

Trifolium repens "Pirouette"  - White Micro Clover (Introduced)

Seed Info

Bulk Lbs. Per Acre Broadcast = 100

Broadcast seeding is the process of sowing seed by hand. The seeds are sprinkled into the soil and can be lightly raked in to ensure germination.

Product Details

Flower Color: Green, White

Height: 6 to 12 inches once established

Light Requirements: 4 to 6 hours a day during the establishment phase

Product Code: CLM01

How To Plant Eco-Friendly Lawn Alternatives

Range Map

Solid Green - Suitable Planting Area

Striped Green -  Can Be Planted. May Require Additional Resources.

Additional resources may include watering or irrigation.

Clover Lawn Planting Range Map

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