Collection: Ohio Native Plant Month Seed Mixes

April is Ohio Native Plant Month and whether you're looking to create a Short Pollinator Garden or a backyard full of tall native grasses and wildflowers, we've got you covered.

The ONPM Tall Pollinator Garden Seed Mix is great for areas that receive full sun (at least 6 hours a day) and where plant height is not an issue. Most native plants in this mix will get about 3 -8 feet tall.  Plant the ONPM Short Pollinator Garden Seed Mix in full sun and watch it come alive with plants that typically reach heights of 3.5 - 4 feet once established. Perfect for areas that need to be planted with shorter growing species. 

Both seed mixes will need some time to establish, so consider planting the ONPM Fast Flowering Annual Cover Mix as a cover crop and an added pop of color the first growing season.

Have questions? Contact Us and learn more about Ohio Native Plant Month here.
For every Ohio Native Plant Month mix or packet sold, OPN Seed will donate a portion back to the ONPM initiative.