This mix of native grasses and fescues works well in wind farm applications. It's shorter growing and reduces the need for mowing once established. It can be augmented with our Quick Growing Wildflowers Native Seed Mix for additional color and foraging for pollinators.
Contains the following species:
Elymus canadensis - Nodding Wild Rye
Lolium multiflorum - Annual Ryegrass (Introduced)
Bouteloua curtipendula - Side-oats Grama
Schizachyrium scoparium - Little Bluestem
Panicum virgatum - Switch Grass
Festuca rubra - Creeping Red Fescue (Introduced)
Festuca rubra commutata - Chewing's Fescue (Introduced)
Tridens flavus - Purple Top
Bouteloua gracilis - Blue Grama
Seed Info
Bulk Lbs. Per Acre Broadcast=25
Broadcast Seeding is the process of sowing seed by hand. The seeds are sprinkled into the soil and can be lightly raked in to ensure germination.
Product Details
Flower Color: Green, Brown, Gold
Height: 1 to 4 feet
Light Requirements: At Least 6 Hours of Sunlight A Day
Soil Hydrology: Medium to Well Drained Soils
Plant Type: Annual/Perennial
Suggested USDA Planting Zones: 3-7
Product Code: WFGM01