Flowering Lawn Mix

Flowering Lawn Mix

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Designed for turf replacement applications where some pollinator habitat is desired. This mix of native grasses, fescues, native and some introduced wildflowers can be used to replace existing turf.

Once the Flowering Lawn is established, it will consistently reach heights of 1-2 feet, with some species getting as tall as three feet. The optimal seeding window with this mix is spring through early summer.

During the establishment phase, this mix will bloom heavy with annual wildflowers while the fescues, native grasses and perennial wildflowers establish. Long term, this is not a wildflower heavy mix. Some perennial wildflowers will remain.  If you like the look of the annual wildflowers, you can always over seed with our Quick Growing Wildflowers Mix after the first growing season.

Contains the following species:


Lolium multiflorum - Annual Ryegrass (Introduced)

Bouteloua curtipendula - Side-oats Grama

Festuca trachyphylla - Hard Fescue (Introduced)

Bouteloua gracilis - Blue Grama

Trifolium repens - Ladino / White Clover (Introduced)

Buchloe dactyloides "Cody" - Cody Buffalo Grass

Poa pratensis - Kentucky Bluegrass (Introduced)

Trifolium hybridum - Alsike Clover (Introduced)


Chamaecrista fasciculata - Partridge Pea

Centaurea cyanus - Cornflower (Introduced)

Cosmos bipinnatus - Cosmos (Introduced)

Nemophilia menziesii - Baby Blue Eyes (Introduced)

Lobularia maritima - Sweet Alyssum (Introduced)

Silene armenia - Catchfly Dwarf (Introduced)

Gaillardia aristata - Blanket Flower

Gaillardia pulchella - Indian Blanket

Clarkia amoena dwarf - Farewell to Spring Dwarf (Introduced)

Sisyrinchium angustifolium - Blue-eyed Grass

Achillea millefolium - Yaak - Yaak Yarrow (Introduced)

Lobelia siphilitica - Great Lobelia

Penstemon digitalis - Foxglove Beardtongue

Rudbeckia hirta - Black-eyed Susan

Zinnia elegans (Red) - Red Zinnia (Introduced)

Zinnia elegans (Purple) - Purple Zinnia (Introduced)

Seed Info

Bulk Lbs. Per Acre Broadcast=25

Broadcast Seeding is the process of sowing seed by hand. The seeds are sprinkled into the soil and can be lightly raked in to ensure germination.

Product Details

Flower Color: Green, Orange, Blue, Yellow, White, Purple, Red

Height: 1-3 Feet

Light Requirements: At Least 6 Hours of Sunlight A Day

Soil Hydrology: Well Drained Soils

Bloom Time: Spring through Summer

Plant Type: Annual/Perennial

Attracts: Pollinators and People

Product Code: SCMM02