Thoughts from the Prairie
Thank you for visiting OPN Seed's (Ohio Prairie Nursery) website. We're glad you're here.
Whether this is new to you or you are already using native wildflower and grass seed, you are making a positive difference and an important contribution to the future. By using native grasses and native wildflower seeds in your landscape, you are helping to increase diversity and provide valuable habitat for other species of living things. Native insects, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds evolved alongside the native plants that support them.
The landscapes we create take resources to maintain. By using native material, you are reducing the need for watering, pesticides, and fertilizers. The deep root systems of most native wildflowers and grasses increase the ability of the soil to absorb water and help stabilize a storm water network that is over capacity. You are also reducing erosion which helps keep our rivers and lakes clean!
Native plants started from native grass and wildflower seed help create a sense of place. By using the species that naturally belong in your yard or neighborhood you are keeping a connection to the botanical history of your area alive.
On behalf of the thousands of native insects, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds that don't have a voice...THANK YOU AND PRAIRIE ON!
Thoughts From the Prairie
Thoughts on Neonicotinoids

There has been a lot of discussion lately about neonicotinoids and other pesticides. First, let us identify what they are; Neonicotinoids are insecticides that are used to help deter insects from negatively affecting a plants functionality and/or appearance. They are most often utilized in the agricultural and greenhouse industry to help ensure that the plants survive for crop production or have a certain image which many consumers find appealing. The usage for these products typically is directly correlated with the overall objective of the grower. If the intention is for a high crop yield or an aesthetically pleasing flower, the usage is often deemed justifiable by the user.
Studies have linked the use of neonicotinoids to decreasing bee and pollinator populations. At OPN Seed (Ohio Prairie Nursery), one of our main objectives is to help people create habitat and a food source for birds, bees, butterflies and other wildlife. The aesthetics and beauty of native plants are sometimes seen as a bonus in this context. With this in mind, it is important for you to know that OPN Seed (Ohio Prairie Nursery) does not and will not use neonicotinoids or other insecticides in our seed production models. It is our pledge to our customers who share our vision and objectives.
Thoughts on Forbs (Wildflowers) Ratio in Native Seed Mixes
Native herbaceous (a plant that leaves and stems that die down at the end of the growing season to the soil level) ecosystems are composed of grasses and forbs. One measurement used to evaluate native seed mixes is the grass to forbs ratio. Most pollinators rely on native wildflowers as nectar and pollen sources. As individuals become more involved with providing habitat for native pollinator species and honey bees, the trend is to increase the percentage of forbs in a seed mix. OPN Seed (Ohio Prairie Nursery) prides itself on being ahead of the curve and has been producing high percentage forb mixes for years.
Please visit our Customer Resources page or call 1-866-569-3380 if you have questions. Thank You and Prairie On!