April is Ohio Native Plant Month
It's almost that time of year again...Ohio Native Plant Month! Ohio was one of the first states in the country with a law designating an entire month to native plants and we're thrilled to continue our partnership with our friends at Ohio Native Plant Month to help create pollinator habitat in your landscape and beyond. There are several options and products to choose from. Plus, a percentage of each sale goes back to the Ohio Native Plant Month initiative to help increase awareness of native plants in landscapes. Let's dive into the different mixes and species.
First up, we have the ONPM Tall Pollinator Garden Seed Mix. This mix is a wonderful diversity of native Ohio grasses and wildflowers. Once established, wildflowers bloom spring through fall and reach heights of 3 to 7 feet. Some of the species included in the mix are: Little Bluestem, Purple Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan, Ohio Spiderwort and New England Aster.Â
While 3 to 5 feet can be considered "short" in the native plant world, we received some feedback after the first season that folks wanted something that grew a little shorter. Sometimes, 5 feet is a little too tall for urban and suburban gardens. So, we put together the ONPM Short Pollinator Garden Seed Mix. Containing mostly shorter growing wildflowers, we also added a couple of native grasses for structure and habitat. Some of the species in the mix include Partridge Pea, Plains Coreopsis, Showy Milkweed, Great Lobelia and Dwarf Goldenrod. This mix typically reaches heights of 3 to 4 feet. Some species may get a little taller, but most will stay at 3 feet or under.
Native perennial grass and wildflower species can take a couple growing seasons to establish. Enter the ONPM Fast Flowering Annual Cover Mix. The mix is full of annual wildflower species that will have your pocket pollinator gardens and meadows exploding with color in year one. This mix is a great accompaniment to both the ONPM Tall Pollinator Garden Seed Mix and the ONPM Short Pollinator Garden Seed Mix or plant it as a standalone. Plant it in your landscape beds or around your vegetable garden for pollinator-friendly flowers that bloom the same season they are planted. When planted with one of the mixes, it will also help keep undesirable weed pressure down.Â
New for 2022! Purple Coneflower is one of four Ohio Native Plants of Distinction. A prairie staple, our purple friend is being recognized for not only its beauty, but for feeding our butterflies, hummingbirds, and song birds. Purple Coneflower is very attractive in garden beds and can be planted alone if desired. It will provide blooms to enjoy all summer long. Visit Ohio Native Plant Month's website to learn more about the other native plants of distinction.
This was a LONG winter! Not just for us, but for our wildlife friends as well. Please consider adding a native plant community in your yard to help connect our migration corridors. Even the smallest plot can make a huge difference.